Eric Swinton Eric Swinton


Cherie Lo

Co-Founder & Chief Education Officer

Cherie has nurtured her belief in young people through vast experience in teaching primary and secondary school pupils in Hong Kong. Combining a regard for Chinese culture and modern interactive learning experiences, Cherie is central to our school educational programs.

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Cherie Lo

Co-Founder & Chief Education Officer

Cherie has nurtured her belief in young people through vast experience in teaching primary and secondary school pupils in Hong Kong. Combining a regard for Chinese culture and modern interactive learning experiences, Cherie is central to our school educational programs.

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Eric Swinton Eric Swinton


“Our society is always changing, there’s much we can learn between different generations, but I believe instilling the values of respect for our elderly, teachers and families can help young people grow to be outstanding people.”

Cherie Lo

Co-Founder & Chief Education Officer

“Our society is always changing, there’s much we can learn between different generations, but I believe instilling the values of respect for our elderly, teachers and families can help young people grow to be outstanding people.”

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